Monday, February 22, 2010


In recent weeks three news events have been transmitted for a worldwide media audience – all are aimed at destroying the political legacy of Benito Mussolini, the Prime Minister of Italy from 1922 to 1943. They have revealed once and for all who and what political organizations are the behind these vicious, mean spirited attacks on Mussolini and the Italian people. Who they are and how they finance and achieve these blatant attempts to discredit this period of Italian history, are revealed for all to see.

The first is a Zionist story:

Jewish Groups Protest Popular iPhone App Sales of Mussolini Speeches

Jewish groups and Holocaust survivors have protested to Apple over Italy's current best-selling iPhone application: a collection of the speeches of Benito Mussolini, the Fascist dictator. Demand for "iMussolini", subtitled "The man who changed the history of our country", has risen to the point where it is being downloaded 1,000 times a day according to Luigi Marino, 25, its creator. It is more popular than a video game based on the film Avatar and an X-ray machine app which "allows you to see your friends naked". The app, which costs 79 Euro cents, contains audio, video and text of 100 speeches .. ..

The Times (Britain)

These Zionists know full well that the Jewish people of Italy and France were protected from any harm during the twenty four years of Benito Mussolini's Italian government but simply do not want the world to know this documented truth, because if it becomes public knowledge their game is up!

The second is a Communist story:

Vincere – Opened on Friday February 5, 2010. (Santa Barbara International Film Festival)

The historical event that Signore Bellocchio selected to popularize via this film is the story in the life of Benito Mussolini, that began in Austria in 1908 early in his life, when he was 25 years old and a very long time before became a public figure in Italy and the world.

Marco Bellocchio: Member of the Maoist group Unione dei Comunisti Italiani Marxisti-Leninisti (known as "Servire il Popolo") until 1969. The group also produced a few documentary movies of his.

The Third is a Free Masonry story:

Benito Mussolini: Fascist, Dictator, British spy?

Leave it to the British to spread anti- Mussolini misinformation when ever and however they can. They have a very checkered history of preventing anyone smarter than their own self image of a civilized, progressive society – they have dominated, exploited, enslaved, and murdered more colonized people than any other nation on earth. The British Empire became a money machine to provide a luxurious and pretentious living for the home crowd of aristocratic men and women. History will find their names listed as the chief aggressors and participants of every major war in the past two hundred years. They sent their finest young men from each of their colonial nations off to be killed in wars that were intended to produce more wealth and dominion for the Empire.

These three political forces, Zionism, Communism, and Freemasonry will not rest, until they completely destroy any remaining history of the benevolent political, economic and social programs initiated by Il Duce for the Italian nation from 1922 to his death in 1945. They are ideologies formed early in the twentieth century by Jewish politicians known now as Zionists, Communism, was born in Russia as a social consequence of the Soviet Russian Revolution in 1917. Freemasonry, and its host of strange bedfellows, has it's roots in medieval England and remains as important to the English nobility today as it's own Royal Family.

Modern mass media requires huge amounts of money to finance the production of Media productions used to pollute the minds of millions of gullible audiences. where do they get the money to produce these costly media products. The answer for the Zionist Media Industry is to be found in the research of Norman Finkelstein': The Holocaust Industry.

Are they guilty of the newly enacted Hate Laws of several Western nations? Do they practice hate in the subjects they select to broadcast in their media programs. How do they earn the political clout to force the IPOD people to destroy the historical speeches of the Italian Prime Minister from the public domain. Is that not raw naked hatred political power at work?



The first and longest standing enemy of Fascism is the Communist Party. It began many years before he became Italy's Prime Minister in 1922. After returning from trench warfare in 1917 he noticed that Milan was full of the Red Flags of the Communist Party and saw very few Italian flags being displayed in the streets and from balconies. He knew immediately that Italy faced a very serious threat of becoming a Communist satellite of the International Soviet Communist Party in Russia. As a result of this foreboding scenario, one Sunday morning, March 23, 1919 he founded the Fascio di Combattimento with 120 returned war veterans at The Piazza San Sepolcro in Milan to do combat with these growing Communist forces when ever and where ever they would find them, in the streets of Italy. Many years later he fought them in Spain and thus saved Spain and Italy from becoming Communist Satellites of Russian Communist ideologies and programs.

Many years later it was a secret order from Palmiro Togliatti, secretary of the Italian Communist party to execute Mussolini on sight, without due notice to anyone or any other jurisdiction. This order was carried out in Lake Como area on April 28, 1945. After the war came to an end in Italy roaming bands of Communist Partisans executed seventy thousand Italian citizens on sight accused of being sympathetic to Mussolini and his government. In Yugoslavia Marshall Tito, a personal appointment of Sir Winston Churchill, had his communist partisans slaughter fifteen thousand Italians living in Istria, not because of their political views, but solely because they were Italians.

Communism in the strict sense demands that both production-goods, such as land, railways, and factories, and consumption-goods, such as dwellings, furniture, food, and clothing, should be the property of the whole community. Previous to the middle of the nineteenth century the term was used in its more general sense, even by socialists. Marx and Engels called the celebrated document in which they gave to socialist "scientific" expression, the "Communist Manifesto".


A political movement - The Zionist movement was founded by Theodor Herzl in 1897, incorporating the ideas of early political Jewish thinkers. The news article “Jewish groups protest iphone sales of Mussolini's speeches – should have read – Zionist groups protest iphone sales... . There is a world of difference between the world of Judaic Jews and the world of Zionist Jews: Few Judaic Jews are Zionists. One does not have to be a Jew to be a Zionist. Mussolini wrote in 1934 a series articles in which he ridiculed Germany's Jewish laws and visited the Chief Rabbi of Rome, himself a Fascist, to assure him that he had no intention of enacting any such laws. He met with Chaim Weizmann, the leader of the new Zionist movement, who asked for and received a signed photograph of Mussolini. Mussolini was the sole politician in the West who had a contemporary understanding and sympathy for the plight of the Jewish people of the world. Later, in 1938, after learning what the true goals and ambitions of the Zionists were he became mistrustful of their plans for the world and for Italy. He demanded that they be loyal to the government of Italy. If they were not he saw to it that they were detained or deported. He did not support the League of Nations British Mandate plan for the Partitioning of the Middle East as he foresaw the potential horrendous dangers of such a move. He was right of course, as the history of this sixty year history Palestinian Israeli wars and conflicts proves.


In 1843 The first Italian Republic Army, headed by General Giuseppe Garibaldi, started a bombardment of the Vatican of Rome hoping to destroy the sovereignty and influence of the Roman Catholic Church and the Pope. For the years between Garibaldi and Mussolini, many the country's political offices were occupied by Italian Free Masons. Garibaldi, an Internationally trained Free Mason, did little to solve Italy's festering social, and economic problems.

In 1923 Mussolini, as the new Prime Minister, demanded that any member of his government would have to leave their Lodge membership or leave the Government. He said “ you cannot be loyal to the new Italy if you remain a Free Mason”. Most remained with Mussolini and left their former Lodge memberships.

Shortly after another assassination attempt on his life, Mussolini gave orders to the police to occupy all the Masonic Lodge in Italy and the colonies.

When asked why he imposed these laws he replied “ The sect must be absolutely abolished because its influence is deleterious to discipline in the army, to the impartiality of the courts, and a subversion of order that should obtain in all public offices. We have struck such a blow that it will be difficult for it to regain its legs again for some time.”He later described Masonry, “ as this shady institution with its secret nature has always had in Italy a character typical of the briber and the black mailer”.


Mussolini, by his scholarly research and investigation was well aware of the history, traditions and rituals of these Masonry “Shadow Governments” that were well established in Europe, the Americas and the Far East, and their goals and ambitions for these nations and regions.

As expected, this set of laws set off alarm bells all around the world – an unprecedented act of political bravery, never seen or heard of before. He was now a marked man in the major Political Capitals of the International World.


A Critical Path Method is a process by which a master plan for the establishment of a Sovereignty Project includes the following requirements:
1.A list of all activities required to complete the project.
2.The duration that each activity will take to completion.
3.The redundancies between countries

The establishment of the First Zionist Congress 1897, the Great War 1914, the Russian Revolution 1917, the Balfour Declaration 1917, the Treaty of Versailles 1917, the League of Nations 1920, British Mandate in Palestine 1922, the Great Depression 1929, the Partition of Palestine 1937, the Anschluss 1934, the Spanish Civil War 1936, the Invasion of Poland by Russia and Germany 1939, the British and French Declaration war on Germany 1939, the Second World war 1939, Italy enters the war in Europe 1940, Pearl Harbor 1941, the Atomic Bombing of Japan 1945, the Holocaust 1945, the Establishment of the United Nations 1945, the Establishment of Israel 1948, the Persian Gulf War 1991, the Invasion of Iraq 2003.

War Lords And Their Many Wars


Who are these men who travel to the far ends of the earth to meet in secret rooms and conceive and execute special and far reaching agendas in concealed documents which in due course will affect the lives, fortunes and destiny of millions of global citizens their families and their children? Are they Americans? Are they English? Are they Israelis? Are they Europeans?Are they Asians? Regardless of what their passports show and state they are none of the above: They are Internationalists!


Their loyalty and their allegiance is to another nascent ideological concept of a nation state, still unannounced and unnamed, but nevertheless fully developed in their minds.


Benito Mussolini's warning to world in 1919 three years before he became Prime Minister

“I fear going to extremes, the policy of madness, at the bottom of which may lie the destruction
of our fragile mechanical civilization, robbed of its moral basis, and the coming of a terrible
race of dominators who would reintroduce discipline into the world and reestablish the
necessary hierarchies with the cracking of whips and machine guns”.

Who is this terrible race of dominators envisioned by Benito Mussolini early in his public career? Are they the new international order of political hierarchies that have taken captive the executive command structures of our democratically selected political world? Are they those that say one thing in public while planning to reintroduce another completely different set of political, religious, and social disciplines in private, while fallaciously advocating superlative promises of democracy, freedom, liberty and justice to the nations and peoples of the world? If
so, they may be a morphogenetic breed of men and ideas from those that we have previously described as secret societies. Only they know who they are and what their plans are for the nations and the peoples of the world; but by necessity they must manifest themselves and their political agendas by their covert use of illegal programs of military, social and political operations around the world.

They have gained total and complete political power by infiltrating and corrupting the noble ideals of the early Greek philosophical concept of Democracy. Their cracking whips and machine guns have become nuclear weapons of mass destruction. They control the entire world’s nuclear military power in our skies, in our oceans, and soon in outer space. They do all this with the consent and the approval of ordinary citizens by way of public democratic elections. People have been programmed into believing that they and they alone have the power to select and elect their governments, when in reality their voting is but a prelude to a mandate
of full and complete dictatorship by the executive branch of modern democratic nations.

Democracy often ends as soon as the last ballots are counted.

There remains a need to unmask the war criminals who planned and executed the prelude and the final destruction of Europe and the political murder of sixty million* innocent men, women an children in what is now known as World War II.

*Their blood and the destruction of their homes, cities and farms have become the main fertilizing agents in the unprecedented economic expansion manufactured and enjoyed by millions of people in the developed countries of the world.

Benito Mussolini knew of the evil that lurked in the origins of Marxism and the menace of the Soviet Communist threat to Italy and to Europe early in his political career. He saw that this threat was not only limited to the Soviet Union, but rather was a threat of a world-wide anesthetization and the very real possibility of a Western European Soviet, not in the form of an armed military takeover, but rather a slow peaceful infiltration of the Western World with the philosophical and political programs of Marxism - a friendly open form of Marxism, posing as fellow comrades with the Christian countries of Europe – a diplomatic Marxism.

Anyone associated with a pro-Mussolini program in the last sixty-five years will be familiar with the anti-Fascist, anti-RSI voices in the world and know, who, where, and what they are and will be well aware that they have a financial war chest second to none. They are well positioned and well prepared to once against start a media propaganda campaign of misinformation and outright lies again, that will be design to eliminate any voice or voices that proposes a renaissance study of of twentieth century Italian History.

Benito Mussolini dreamed of and worked diligently to create in Italy a nation of peace and progress before the night he was betrayed in 1943, and his final political martyrdom in 1945

He was the one honest, brilliant, political mind they feared more than any other man
in recent political history. His altruistic legacy of original ground-breaking governmental laws, concepts, and programs cause them many sleepless nights and vast amounts of energy and money to combat the persistence appeal of Fascism to the intellectual mind and to the toiling masses of the world. We who see Mussolini as a political genius can be his only judge and jury at the moment!

They do not want a honest men to prevail anywhere in the world.
Consider the great men that have been assassinated in the past century in Europe, Africa, America, South America, the Middle East


If you think that this history is now passe and it doesn't affect you in your world today, guess again. These people are hard at work, every hour of every day in every way, making sure that you stay that way, disinterested, and misinformed– that is what they want! They will soon be at the world's doorsteps with their malevolent programs of social, economic and military domination and will blame the world's subsequent chaotic misfortunes on someone or something else, until certain hidden secret documents reveal the real truths behind the causation of our endless wars of recent history which began in 1914

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